RESET YOUR LIFE 2020! The Comeback – Get Started To Get Your Body Right!

By   |   December 30, 2019   |   Fitness

Our own Image Gal Samantha Bessudo Drucker makes her fitness commitment for the new decade!

At first glance, I’m attractive and still vivacious. Being ImageGal, of course, my flaws are well camouflaged in this photo.

But if you look closely you will see that the face looks a little puffy. A collarbone cannot be found. I’m hiding my arm fat with that feather boa. The eyes that seem to be smiling are without their sparkle. Inside I was feeling miserable, trapped in a body I no longer liked and despised. I felt like a colossal failure.

But one thing I always have is hope. I was ready to flip that switch in my brain that tells me it’s time to fight for my life again. Believe me when I tell you a week before this photo was taken I could not wear this dress. Here’s how I got there.

The first step is about “Flipping the Switch,” making it so your mind that says you are ready to fight and you’re going to win because you feel your life depends on it because you can’t stand the way things are for another minute.

I started by going for walks on the beach which turned into a little slow-motion jog and a few arm workout videos with no weights, just to start moving again.  I took a few Zumba classes. Self-conscious, I placed myself in the back of the room although inwardly I felt like one of the dancing hippopotamus in Disney’s Fantasia. But by the end of the class, the former professional dancer in me had shimmied up to the front!

I was watching my food and water intake, cutting back on alcohol and doing some intermittent fasting. I managed to get into that dress.

And then Zach Fazz entered the picture. He’s the leading holistic athletic advisor transforming bodies up and down the shore in Miami, where I spend my winters with my lovely husband (the one I met in my 90 Days to Husband No. 2 series). I was already feeling inspired and motivated, so with Zach and my determination, I am ready to journey over the next several weeks changing my body and mind.

Feeling encouraged,

Filed Under: Fitness
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