Why Biking Should Be Your New Workout in 2017

By   |   November 30, 2016   |   Fitness

Hey Get Fit DivaGals. We know 2017 is still a month away, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to start planning next year’s fitness regimen! If youΓÇÖve decided that youΓÇÖre sick and tired of being out of shape and that the time has come to do something about it, read on!

So youΓÇÖre not a great lover of team sports, you donΓÇÖt enjoy running and the gym isnΓÇÖt somewhere that you feel comfortable. However, you do love cycling! Perhaps cycling could be your exercise option of choice to get your bod back in shape? The question is, of course, just how easy is it to get back in shape by cycling? ItΓÇÖs time to find out!

The right bike is crucial.┬áNot all bikes are born equal. A lot of us presume that a bike is a bike, but thatΓÇÖs not the case. Not all bikes are the same, and itΓÇÖs important to realize that. There are road bikes, hybrid bikes, cross-country bikes – and many other bikes. If you want to make cycling your exercise habit of choice, you need to invest in the right bike. This means heading to your local bike store and asking a specialist to recommend a suitable bike for you. The chances are that you plan on riding on the roads, so youΓÇÖll either want a road bike or a hybrid. A hybrid will allow you to ride on the roads as well as off-road, so it could be a good option if you’re planning on doing both. DonΓÇÖt forget to pick up a helmet and some cycling clothes and shoes. Oh, and donΓÇÖt forget to take out insurance to protect yourself should you end up in an accident. When it comes to cycle claims, just like car claims, if youΓÇÖve got adequate insurance you will be well taken care of.

It’s not just about cycling. When it comes to getting fit through cycling, what it’s important to understand is that it’s not just cycling that you’ll need to do. Yes, cycling to and from work and to and from the grocery store will make a difference, but it’s not enough. If you want to get in shape, you need to do more that commuting on your bike. Interval training can work well for getting in shape, as even if you’re really unfit, it’s doable. Swap between cycling at a leisurely pace and cycling at a much faster pace. Cycle on a combination of flat and hilly roads. If you need some tips for interval training on a bike, ask a personal trainer for advice.

Don’t forget to stretch! Just like with any form of exercise, it’s important to stretch before cycling. When we cycle, if we fail to stretch we can cause our muscles to become tight, which can make them more prone to damage. So it’s important to stretch each time before you go cycling. For some stretching suggestions and ideas, there are plenty of useful YouTube tutorials that you can watch.

Can’t afford or don’t have space for a bike? Many cities have bike riding share programs where you can rent the bike for a short period of time to run errands or get to work! This is a great way to cut down on your carbon footprint and get in shape while you’re getting to where you got to go! Hoboken, N.J. offers Hudson Bike Share, as do many other cities across the nation.

Cycling can be a great way to get fit, as long as youΓÇÖve got the right bike and the mindset to persevere with it. Just like with any form of exercise, you wonΓÇÖt get into shape overnight; it will take time.

Filed Under: Fitness
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