RESET YOUR LIFE 2020! The Comeback – Week 1: My 90-Day Journey To Physical, Mental and Professional Success!

By   |   January 2, 2020   |   Fitness

I gave you a little sneak peek of my comeback earlier this week. Now I’m kicking off my 90-day journey to physical, mental and professional success for 2020.

The last four years have been a whirlwind: closing my company after 20 years; moving to another country; coming back to be with the man I love and getting married; changing my name and the massive venture of rebranding and starting new projects. In other words, it’s been crazy.

This has been a challenging new chapter for me. Exciting things have been happening, even while there have been multiple serious injuries, from a torn rotator cuff, a broken ankle and knees that are worn down from my youth as a dancer to my lifelong love affair with running with hips that are so worn down that one no longer posses connective tissue.

The pain of the injuries made it very difficult to function and exercise as I had been accustomed to. For two years I could barely walk. The result of all this upheaval and injuries is that I gained a lot of weight. I looked into the mirror and no longer recognized myself, which of course just depressed me. I didn’t feel like seeing friends, and my depressed mental state made achieving anything worthwhile very challenging.

Ultimately success must always begin in the mind. Having always been fit and fine, this was not a me I liked. After a lot of physical therapy and some hyaluronic acid gel into the joints, I am mobile again. But certainly out of shape by my standards.

Looking in the mirror I thought I might cry. I said a little prayer: I wanted my sexy back! I wanted to feel strong and vivacious. I started taking morning walks and doing some video workouts and a few classes like Zumba offered in my building, just to start moving again. But it was not enough and I knew it. I hadn’t managed to get myself back in shape and I knew I needed some professional help. It’s ok to ask for help. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and moments of need. I prayed for divine intervention!

The next morning I decided no matter how much it hurt I was going to attempt to jog on the beach, something that I loved to do since I was 12. Outside my building to the beach, I noticed someone glistening in the sun like a god and torturing a client who seemed very happy in his struggle. Before I could filter my thoughts, I said out loud “Oooh, I’m jealous,” to which he kindly said, “I think you’re looking pretty good.” (I love it when young men are so polite like that!) I walked away and then stopped in my tracks. This had to be the divine intervention I had prayed for, someone who might be willing to help me come back from the edge of the abyss. I turned around to address him once more. “Excuse me, sir, are you a personal trainer?”

Him: Yes

Me: Great! When you’re done if you have a minute I would love to speak with you.

Eventually, he came over.

Him: Hi I’m Zach.

Me: Pleasure to meet you Zach.

Meet Zach Fazz, the leading holistic athletic advisor transforming bodies up and down the shore in Miami. He has such great energy about him, I got up my nerve and told him of my frustrations, injuries and all, that led to me getting out of shape and that I was feeling a little lost. I begged to be taken back from the edge of the abyss of looking my age. I felt a little better when he looked shocked when I told him how old I really am — as I said, I really have a soft spot for polite young men who say nice things!

Zach had moved to Florida to pursue some of his own goals as a professional athlete and had his sights set on a position as a wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins. He told me that he also loved being a fitness consultant and trainer and dispensing nutritional guidance. Above all, he wanted to motivate people and be a source of inspiration.

It’s virtually impossible for the mind to be “right” when physically we are not. Physical pain can lead to depression and fatigue that can easily create a downward spiral, especially if one feels alone or overwhelmed. The first step is admitting there is a problem. The second step was asking for help.

So, here we go. “The Comeback” is about physically coming back from the edge, my 90-day journey to find and share what transformations I can make in my body and mind, and how to bring everything in order to improve our personal and professional lives.

See you next week!

photo credit: Amanne Media

Filed Under: Fitness
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